Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Transiting Venus Conjunct Natal Sun

Venus transits aren't usually assigned a great deal of significance due to the planet's brief influence, which usually lasts a day. However, when several transits occur with a similar interchange, and Venus is the ruler of your ASC, the effects are more noticeable.

Today, Venus Conjuncts my Sun in Sagittarius. Tomorrow, Sun Conjuncts ASC and Mars in Libra. The next 2-3 days will carry a Venusian influence, but I want to delve a little deeper and predict how.

Venus beautifies, harmonizes and softens anything it touches. Venus is about pleasure, receiving pleasure. The Sun, representing the self/identity and its radiance/projection receives the allure and charm of Venus when their energies combine. When Sagittarius and Venus hook up, its a party! Sag expands the Venus energy; one of the key phrases for Sag is "I seek," and hedonism/pleasure seeking is their love child. Well, mythology accounts Dionysus was the son of Zeus/Jupiter and Persephone actually. It also says Dionysus was the son of Zeus and Semele. I smell an episode of Maury!

I primarily reference inner experience but transits can manifest as outer experiences as well. Venus represents women, as well as potential love interests, in a man's chart. The Sun is a masculine symbol, representing the self/ego in a man's chart. Venus conjuncting Sun could crystallize as a woman/love interest becoming more visible or making her affection known.

The Sun illuminates, energizes, and prioritizes anything it aspects. It is a sign of recognition and the urge to be recognized as an individual. The Ascendant, represents the personality as it projects to others, especially upon first contact. Mars is the physical drive and urge to assert ones self towards desires. I have a very expressive personality with Mars Conjunct ASC. Adding the Sun to the mix will likely result in a very egocentric cocktail! The energy flow demands I be recognized, but Venus' affect mitigates that expression to create a lot of charm and magnetism.

The Sun will also be in opposition to my Moon in Aries. Oppositions create a dynamism of excitement, which can result in conflict or energy amplification/over-stimulation. As an outer experience, it could be opposites attract or I come into conflict with females. With Venus/Libra mediating the energy however, I am hopeful that conflict will not be the outcome. Even if conflict is the outcome, it is a necessary part of life. Often, the conflict needs to occur in order to progress or clear the mind of something that has been bubbling for some time.

Tomorrow, I am supposed to have lunch with a co-worker (Libra) who I have a bit of an interest in. Taboo, I know. Scandalous even. I am also supposed to have dinner with my frustrated/upset girlfriend (Taurus). Both signs are ruled by Venus. See what I did there? However, I'm not quite satisfied with that, and hope some new love interest takes form in the next few days. Yeah I said it!
The "conflict" will likely be with my girlfriend, who exhibits a domineering energy (although, in a very feminine way). She is a fixed sign and I don't think I'm willing to compromise on whatever it is she's upset about, which I suspect was me just being me. In all likelihood, she will break up with me.

Which brings me to my final point. Having an awareness of these transits, it is up to me how I react to the influence. A part of me wants my girlfriend to break up with me. She's moving in 3 months anyway, and her attitude seems high-maintenance emotionally. It is her first relationship but not mine, and I am more than willing to move on if it means less drama. I also feel like being more amorous and exploring other potential romances. I want to explore already, these transits just make it easier to satisfy my desire.

PS: My Sun is conjunct Saturn. Saturn can be interpreted as a party pooper due to its heaviness and emphasis on duty and responsibility. However, Venus lightens the load a bit, so I will probably feel a little irresponsible/less uptight.


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