Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April Predictions

So, it is April 1st and I feel invigorated! It is a 1 day in a 9 month. According to my numerology book, April and May of this year are supposed to be the craziest! My mind is very much occupied with a sustainable career in the entertainment/art industry. Everything else...just living. Not very girl-crazy right now, though the prospect of a new relationship still excites me. It is getting warmer and I want to come out and play this year! My diet has taken on much more concern. Overall, I really desire the next phase of my life. I want to experience a level of fulfillment beyond what I've known, in every area of life. I want to live on my own. Really just want to come into my own. I have been making consistent efforts to change my lifestyle, and I have a feeling this is the month things transition for good.

The major celestial influence this year and especially April and May, is Uranus. I feel like it is crunch time. Unemployment will run out soon, so my career has to get started. But I'm not settling. No more jobs. Only something to build a career. Career/money are my major concerns this month, just to give an idea of my direction/momentum. Unless Mercury is retrograde, I usually only pay attention to Sun, Venus, Mars and outer planet transits. Eclipses are sometimes of note to me as well.

4 Neptune Trine Pluto (separating) Things that may have been too intense to sort out before,  become clearer as the month rolls on. I see this as a new level of faith emerging from the struggle I went through before. Like, all the suffering and angst are now raw material to create with. Less confusion, more insight and articulation.

4 Uranus Trine Mercury This is a time of learning...I'm in a much different space than I was in January. I'm picking things up quickly, my mind racing out into the world. Things are easier to connect. Good time for creativity and unconventional thinking.

4/1 Sun Sextile Jupiter (1) Magnanimous feelings and indulgent attitude. I feel like it's my lucky day and anything can happen! I just got paid too...although, I haven't gone too crazy because I have too many bills. My ex from the beginning, I'm talking from back in high school, is supposed to be coming over. A girl I have more interest in, tomorrow. I feel a healthy amount of idealism and feel this month is mine to seize!

4/3 Sun Trine Mercury (3) I'm sure this will be a creative day, full of ideas and mental activity. Keyword will be focus. Great day to reach out and feel my words really aligning with who I am.

4/5 Sun Trine Moon (5) Harmony, warm feelings. It will be Saturday. Good day to go exploring or on an adventure, especially with friends.

4/6-7 Sun Opposite Mars (6-7) Going to NYC this day, riding in a car with other good (male) friends. Will have to watch for ego/control/power scenarios for sure! Game of Thrones premiers later that night! Yessss, who's got HBO??

4/6 Venus Square Sun, Saturn (6) Not ideal for working with others. Considering the above scenario, I will need to really be aware during the road trip, as well as any potential interactions later.

4/7 Sun Trine Uranus (7) I can see this day having a high degree of individualism and feeling rebellious or confrontational. Wanting newness and embracing unconventionality. Maybe a very spiritual and faith filled day, as it would be the day after NYC. A new mindset or attitude towards life.

4/11 Venus Trine Pluto (2) One of my favorite transits, very sexy! It is a Friday and I can see myself either going out to socialize or spending time with someone I like or have history with. I feel like Pluto is very past-heavy, so Venus may resurrect romantic feelings thought long dead. Whenever I see Venus and Pluto hook-up, lust is the first thing to pop in my head.

4/14-16 Mars Conjunct Mars (5-7) This looks to be the start of an energetic week! Although, Mars is retrograde so that could be a bit of frustration. Good week for physical activity. Explosive and virile.

4/17-19 Mars Opposition Moon (8-1) Second half of the week, through the weekend, this could very well spell conflict with women. 8-1 looks like a valuable experience leading to transformation/new beginning. Likely not an optimal time to get involved in new relationships.

4/18 Venus Square Mercury (9) Occurring during the previous transit, any kind of mental discipline or restraint may prove very difficult. Maybe I'm more liberal in speaking my mind, which may stir conflict with the opposite sex. Could also be unrealistic expectations, tension between feelings and logic.

4/22 Venus Trine Venus, Square Uranus (4) Flirtatious, wanting to bust out of old patterns of relationships. Surrendering completely to feeling and disregarding the norm. Sun will be in Taurus, this could be a very decadent time. I get paid this day and may feel inclined to indulge after, what could be, a rough week.

4/26 Sun Opposition Pluto (8) Intensity, ambitions realized. Power is the keyword this day. Who knows what will happen with this one?

4/30 Sun Conjunct North Node (3) Lesson learned. Feeling destined for greatness. I have begun my career and feel I've reached a new plateau of self-awareness. Looking forward to the next phase of my life, with Saturn returning in less than 8 months.

The question is: If May brings a new beginning, how will I close this chapter? I can't do the same things anymore. More and more, I feel the need to kick it into another gear. Success is on my mind but it takes discipline and steady effort to materialize. Patience is a key word, regarding romance. Next month is a lot more conducive to beginning a new relationship, but some groundwork can be laid in this one. Beginning a new exercise regimen will pay off sooner than expected.