Monday, August 11, 2014

When Jupiter Gets Greedy...

I love being a Sage. There is no other sign I would rather be. I have always been enamored with the description, even the "bad" or negative traits. Too much alcohol? That's not the worst thing in the world! Too many women? That's great! Too much food? Food is delicious! This has typically been my attitude. Ruled by Jupiter, the main function is expansion, which can be great, until its too much. At some point, discipline is needed. And I now see how my greatest strength can also be my greatest weakness.

Lately, I've been dating a good number of women. One, I've been seeing steadily, but its more of a friends with benefits. Actually, its better than that because the benefits are really good. Another, I just met Friday, which was a day I saw transits converging to signal a hook up. What's freaky is that our chart is filled with conjunctions and trines with planets that signal marriage/fated union/long-term relationship. I don't know what's going to happen with her, but it looks promising.

Now that would've been plenty but I'm meeting with a girl tomorrow who has been pretty upfront and seems very interested. She seems great too...ok, now its kinda weird. I thought this is what I wanted but I know or don't want to possibly have 3 women I'm involved with. Oh yeah? Let's add I have a date on Friday with a girl that seems promising as well. And she's gorgeous. Model gorgeous. She used to be a model. I feel like I'm running out of space emotionally/physically/spiritually/mentally. Wait, there's a woman planning to come meet me later this month I hooked up with months ago.

Be careful what you wish for, right? Now I'm wondering what's gonna happen later this month, when Jupiter conjuncts my midpoint. I don't really know what I want. I want a relationship but now, more than ever, I feel like I would be "giving up" a lot to be in one (a monogamous, committed relationship). I'm learning so much...maybe I should stay single. I just doubt that I could date 4 women at once.

Where to go from here? I feel like I have nothing to lose. If it all was gone tomorrow, the crash would suck, but I'm sure that space would be valuable and a lesson would've been learned. The next 2 months hold even more Jupiter transits. At this point, I'm just gonna roll with it. Things will sort themselves out, I believe.

I definitely make the connection with how being too greedy can backfire. A little patience and discipline goes a long way. My new mantra should be: just because it's good doesn't mean I need it all. The dark side of this can be a scarcity mentality, like I need it all because I'm afraid of running out. Instead, I will focus on life's abundance. Can't forget to till the earth though...seeds still need to be planted and tended to bear fruit.

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