Friday, October 11, 2013

Who is Persephone? Part II

What is love? Is it a feeling of wholeness, like the yin and yang joining in harmony? Is it when we decide that we're willing to open ourselves and become emotionally vulnerable to an individual? Is it a 'knowing' or feeling of kismet? It could be all of the above and more, but I suspect it has a lot more to do with who we are as individuals than our relationship to another.

All I know is, I want that feeling I had with my first girlfriend back. Or something better. I honestly believe it is the reason I keep studying astrology. Studying astrology, I am studying myself and the more I understand myself, the happier I will be. I am desperate for something I can't define but I'm optimistic astrology can help!

I have dated almost every sign in the zodiac but a few more than others. My longest relationships (3 years a piece) were with a Scorpio and Leo, 2 fixed signs. My first girlfriend was a Sagittarius, and I dated a Sagittarian girl earlier this year; both lasted about 3 months. I had a 3 month relationship with a Cancer, who was very dominating and emotional. My relationships with Gemini's have been short, odd, and very sexual: dated one for a month, another I hooked up with a few times (she was in an open relationship), and one calls me all the time (booty call). Aries relationships have had a lot of attraction and sexual energy, I seem to attract them the most.

I could keep going but I think it would get boring and I just wanted to organize my thoughts. I've begun simplifying things because I realize its about energy at play. I look to the broader categories of the elements (Fire, Air, Earth, Water) and quadruplicities (Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable). I am Fire, with a good deal of Air, elementally; I have almost no Earth and little Water. I am Mutable, with a good deal of Cardinal, but no Fixed. Let's examine how these factors play out for me.

Fire is very spirited and idealistic as an element.  Air is very expressive and intellectual. It is easy to see both qualities in myself, as I am a very passionate, optimistic individual that loves to talk and think. I tend to get along with others who share my lightheartedness and enjoy communicating, even if they end up doing a lot of listening. I do not get along with cynical, negative, skeptical types. I dated a Scorpio who was so negative about everything, but the sex was great!

I am not very sentimental or emotional, and at times lack practicality and discipline (especially when it comes to spending money). Fire can be a slave to impulse, but Water or Earth may not appreciate such spontaneity. In the end, Fire gets bored with Earth's predictability and disgusted/overwhelmed by Water's sensitivity (I'm speaking in terms of pure energy and trying to withhold bias, but I'm failing). So for the sake of argument, let's agree that Fire should stick to other Fiery or Airy folks.

Mutable energy is very adaptable and Cardinal is initiating...I am always up for an the local bar! Naw but really, in general I like to lead but am flexible enough to adapt to others needs and compromise. Mutable doesn't often play nice with mutable though, so that leaves Fixed and Cardinal. I think Fixed complements my energy nicely but I enjoy Cardinal energy as well. So let's break down the zodiac to see what signs/energies make sense.

Best - Aquarius (Fixed Air), Leo (Fixed Fire), Libra (Cardinal Air), Aries (Cardinal Fire)
Gamble - Gemini (Mutable Air), Sagittarius (Mutable Fire)
Warning - Virgo (Mutable Earth), Pisces (Mutable Water), Taurus (Fixed Earth), Scorpio (Fixed Water), Capricorn (Cardinal Earth), Cancer (Cardinal Water)

That ends the theory...what has been my reality/experience so far? I can't seem to generate any kind of romantic interest from Aquarians, they want to be friends AT MOST. Odd, because my Jupiter is in Aquarius, and most of my 5th house (romance) is ruled by Aquarius. I've dated a Libra maybe once, but she was very intertial. I just met a Libra where there is potential, and her energy seems very still as well but she has a little more bounce. I have a Libra friend who is super colorful and bouncy but we're just friends. My Mars is in Libra, conjunct ASC but I don't think that has turned up much. But that statement sums up my approach; in general, I expect to attract women with little effort (that's Mars in Libra for you!)

Aries I attract a lot...why is that? My moon is in Aries, which creates a lot of dynamism being opposite my Mars. My concern is being dominated...and not only are Aries women typically dominant, but an Aries Sun would "dominate" my moon. Leo...I've only dated 1 I think, but I really enjoyed her! We just seemed to click despite our differences and I enjoyed many aspects of the relationship with her. Leo has the potential to form a Grand Trine with my Sun and Moon, and Leos have always been supportive in my life.

I didn't anticipate a part III but I'm thinking its necessary. This is a lot for one day! I'll finish up on Monday.



  1. Interesting, I'm always attracting Capricorn and Aquarious people...I think some Scorpio and Sagitarious too. The only boyfriend I have had was Capricorn. And the men I have liked are Sagittarious and Piscis. Said by a Leo girl with Virgo rising.

    1. What sign is your Mars? Do you have any planets in the 5th, 7th or 8th house?

    2. My Mars is in Gemini and I have Uranus and Neptune on my 5th house and Saturn in the it kind of makes sense. jeje

    3. Opposites often Mars is in Libra and I attract a lot of Aries. Of course, my Moon is also in Aries, so that adds fuel to the fire, so to speak. So if your Mars is in Gemini, it would make sense that you attract Sages.

      Uranus and Neptune in 5th = Aquarius and Pisces romance, Saturn in 7th = Capricorn relationship. Or course, this is all a simplification!
