I remember dreading the square when I first got into astrology. A lot of older books did not speak favorably of the square. I've come a long way since then, seeing squares as a necessary part of life. I was ruminating over it this morning in the bathroom and decided to share this perspective.
Squares are signs of tension, demanding a new structure, form or channel of expression. If you look at the zodiac, Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn comprise the cardinal signs. They are all square to one another, representing Fire, Water, Air and Earth respectively. They also initiate the coming seasons, Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. See the common theme? Change. Necessary phases for completion and wholeness.
I've often heard that relationships aren't "serious" until after the first 3 months. 3 is more of a checkpoint, as many people will attest to 6 months being the true test. Of course, nothing says steady like an anniversary. Never heard someone talk about 9 months in, unless referring to pregnancy. Yikes! Although, a baby is the ultimate new form of expression isn't it?
You see where I'm going with this. Relationships are about building and bonding, in a world where everything is in constant flux. Somehow, two people must strengthen their bond amidst the dynamic forces permeating the universe. That sounds rather poetic and abstract but it is a fact: your family or friends might not like the relationship, maybe you get a promotion that requires a move, and you yourself is constantly growing/changing.
When two people come together, they conjunct. New love is like Spring...everything is so new and exciting, especially after Winter (being single/bad past relationship). There's a certain fearlessness in the beginning, at least for me. I dated a gorgeous woman with a young child not too long ago. I swore up and down that we would get married and have children and make it through no matter what. I ended it a little over a month later. Womp womp.
When you've been together for close to 3 months, the seasons begin to change or already have. The relationship is still fresh but familiarity lurches into the equation. You begin "seein thangs," if you haven't already. Your energies/identities can only be suppressed for so long, before it becomes frustrating and demands attention. I think this is the point where agreements or ground rules come to the forefront. This is the Summer of the relationship, which is ruled by Cancer. Your habits become apparent and you must choose how you will proceed. A keyword with Cancer is security, and at 3 months I can hear the question: "Is you or is you ain't my baby?"
Around 6 months, the oxytocin begins to wear off. The relationship reaches the opposition, or Fall season. Oppositions are the highest point of tension, the climax. What is left after the Spring fling or Summer bummer? This is the time when relationships need adjustment and balance to work together. Sounds like Libra to me! I think this phase depends on the type or strength of the agreement you made at the first square. If it was superficial and "glossed over," it will be that much uglier when the love high is gone. If it was an honest, productive, communicative exchange...I think the partnership deepens. I believe that anytime people do their due diligence, they are rewarded at the crucial junctures.
Remember how I said nobody really talks about 9 months? It corresponds with Winter, a dead time of year. At 9 months, you're at the halfway point and the anniversary is just 3 months away. I know that Winter is a time to cuddle by the fire and stay warm. It is also a time of celebration, filled with 3 holidays. Capricorn is a sign of ambition and achievement, but it has never been known for flair. The energy is steady, very Saturnian. Maybe 9 months is a make or break point, where duty and responsibility become part of the equation. I mean, I don't know of any responsibility bigger than a baby.
Of course, this is all just theory based on generalization and extended common sense. Anniversaries typically function as a reflection upon the date you first met or starting dating. Makes sense, all those feelings being relived as an impetus towards another year together. I haven't had a relationship longer than a month since the beginning of this year, when my 3 year relationship ended. I am pretty positive this one is ending tonight, at less than 3 months. Although, it could drag on for 6 months until she leaves.
I'm still building the Frankenstein, searching for an ideal relationship. It is probably the one aspect of my life I rely upon the stars guidance for the most. I am part of the equation too, but I'm looking for that energy, that spark! I'll stop here, I could pine poetically about love and romance for days.
Interesting!! I really like the interpretation of the seasons as a guide of how the relationship is going.
ReplyDeleteI think it is true. The only relationship I've ever had last 3 months too.
And I noticed that pattern in many relationships.
Thanks for reading! I hope it helps you in some way in future relationships