Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Moon in Aries (7th House)

Let's examine one of my natal positions I've been tuning into a lot more lately. I also want to vent about my roommate situation, so bear (or ram) with me.

My father would never really teach me much about astrology, even when I asked. One thing I remember him telling me is, "you're going/likely to marry an Aries woman." I have been trying to make sense of that prediction and my moon sign for quite some time.

The Moon is about comfort and security, from which our habits/routines/patterns stem from. It rules domestic behavior, childhood, the past, even past lives: all the things and ways of being we've been comfortable with and will revert to should we feel threatened or maligned in any way. It is how we react and the realm of the subconscious, which again, is an influence of pattern or learned behavior. It represents the mother (principle): the first woman we clung to that nourished and protected us. Makes sense that the Moon/Cancer would rule the breasts and stomach.

In a man's chart, due to projection/societal influences, it often represents women, including the mother and wife. In my life, although I recognize that my mother was/is very sheltering, I felt alone as a child/adolescent. Even now, I feel a lack of close connection to anyone. Aries is a sign of independence, which could also manifest as isolation. My mother (Virgo) was in the mental hospital in my early years, and my Aunt and Uncle (both Leos) raised me. I can remember crying as my mother left me at their house. Though I would reconnect with and spend most of my childhood with her, I believe this contributed to my feeling of emotional isolation.

I cannot mention my moon without mentioning my Mars in Libra opposite by less than 1 degree. I'll go into more detail later but Mars represents assertiveness/drive/ambition. Having Mars, a masculine energy, opposite Moon, a feminine energy, is conducive to projection. I seem to attract a good deal of Aries women (and Jewish women, but I'll save you the tangent), which makes sense if I'm asserting myself with Libra energy (Mars is Conjunct ASC by the way). The opposition creates a dynamic that Aries women would be attuned to. However, the Sun in Aries woman energy doesn't really "stick" for me, partially because of the way it aspects my Moon.

It is said that when a woman's Sun aspects a man's Moon, especially by conjunction, she will dominate him. Most of my experience with Aries has been hook-ups but I had a 6-month "relationship" with one. By the way, another "symptom" of Aries moon (especially in the 7th house) is many relationships but I'm not so sure I want the cure! Anyways, this particular pairing ended when she wanted to be boyfriend and girlfriend and I didn't. We did often have mini-power struggles--she was very assertive which was a turn-on. We also had great sexual compatibility.

Like I mentioned earlier, the Moon also rules domestic behavior/urges. I have wanted to live alone alone for quite some time but unable to fulfill that desire due to financial constraints. Instead, I have had many roommates and this year is the first time I am staying in the same residence for the 2nd year! Originally, I shared this apartment with a Gemini and Pisces (she's been living there for 7+ years). The Gemini was of course, 2-faced and criminal...let me rephrase. She embodied some of Gemini's worst characteristics. I "clashed" with the Pisces mostly over her aloofness/forgetfulness. I quoted clashed because my Libran influence seems to mute or subdue my anger towards others, which can manifest as passive-aggressiveness at its worst or a lack of face-to-face confrontation in general.

Two roommates later, me and the Pisces have adjusted. Our new roommate, which I lobbied for, is a Sag/Aries moon/Virgo rising with 4 planets in the 4th house. The Pisces, who is the natural Queen of the house is in direct confrontation (square most likely) with this...female, who also wants to be the Queen. This new person has been an energy disturbance, and its only been a little over a month. She has allegedly sparked an angry outburst from the relatively docile Pisces and inspires disgust from me in general. Our latest drama involved her wanting an old roommate to stay with us for a few days because of a violent housemate. Last night, she wanted me to escort her over to her old place to visit her roommate, just in case that violent, drunk housemate came back. I declined with a great deal of resentment about the situation in general.

Thanks for letting me vent a bit. The question is, where do I go from here? How do I elevate/transform this influence to facilitate growth and harmony? I don't necessarily have the answer but that is what experience is for. Somehow, I will exert myself in order to achieve a greater degree of wholeness and fulfillment.

As for my father's prediction, it makes a lot of sense. The 7th house is the house of marriage, partnership and working relationships. "Working" be a keyword, since it is ruled by Libra, adjustments and compromises have to be made for the partnership to be harmonious. I like taking leadership in any kind of partnership because I trust my judgment more than others'. However, in some instances, my judgment is very poor, particularly when it comes to money (I typically spend/act on impulse but I'm getting better). I can assert myself (Mars/Aries) to create relationships (Libra) which complement my judgment (Sagittarius). The how is half the fun!

Natal Moon Aspects
Moon Conjunct DES
Moon Quincunx Venus
Moon Opposition ASC
Moon Opposition Mars
Moon Trine Uranus



  1. could you please tell me when the moon will be in the seventh house for Aires please

  2. please could anyone tell me when the moon is in the seventh house for Aires please .

  3. This was hard to read sorry. I have moon in Aries in the 7th house. Wanted to gain insight but you lost focus on the main point several times.
