Tuesday, October 14, 2014

7th House Uranus Survival Guide

Rereading interpretations of Uranus transiting 7th house and Uranus conjuncting Moon, I gained more clarity into what is happening. I've compiled this survival guide, with a few excerpts from other sites, so that others dealing with the same transits can get more perspective. I hope it helps, it's already helping me.


June 2014 (Uranus crossing DC, conjuncting Moon) Began dating a woman
July 2014 (Uranus retrograding) We had a "talk" to establish our "unconventional" relationship, that was very liberating
August 2014 (Uranus crossing DC) Begin relationship with another woman
September 2014 (Uranus separating DC and Moon) Last time we would see each other, unbeknowst to me
October 8, 2014 (Lunar Eclipse) After weeks of not seeing each other, I "end" things, seeking closure. Quit my job suddenly (Uranus now in 6th house)
October 23, 2014 (Solar Eclipse) The second woman I met leaves
December 22, 2014 (Uranus goes direct) Lessons learned, ready to move forward?
December 24, 2014 (Saturn returns) ?
March 2015 (Uranus conjuncts Moon) Beginning of a relationship?
April 2015 (Uranus crosses DC) Beginning of a relationship?
July 2015 (Uranus goes retrograde) Redefining/restructuring the relationship?
December 2015 (Uranus crosses DC and goes direct) Beginning of a relationship?
July 2021 (Uranus leaves 7th house!!)

So, recently I switched from whole sign houses back to Placidus, after doing a bit of research. Under whole sign houses, Uranus had been in my 7th house since 2012. However, this timeline, which is according to Placidus house system, makes a lot more sense. Looks like crossing the DC definitely results in a new relationship. I wonder how other planets crossing the DC manifest? I would prefer to not be single until March!

Doing this was actually very assuring, even if also a bit intimidating/disheartening. One part of me says with resignation "This is only the beginning?" Another part says, "It's only the beginning!" It is tough to predict how things will go for the next 7 years, especially for the most unpredictable planet. I can only imagine how different 28 year old me and 35 year old me are. Yet, if this rhythm holds true, the "worst" is over in a little over a year. By "worst," I mean tumultuous, since sensitive points such as the DC and Moon won't be aspected again.

After December next year, the next 7th house transit is Uranus Opposition Pluto, from roughly June 2019 to April 2020. I don't even want to think about that...it sounds like a very tough transit but those are usually where we can grow the most. Uranus conjunct North Node, from roughly July 2020 to March 2021. North Node transits always have that "fated" feel. I know North Node represents what we need to grow towards and Uranus is about expanding awareness and liberation, so this will likely not be the easiest transit either.

Beyond 2021, even though Uranus leaves my 7th, it enters my 8th. I have a lot of planets in opposition for the next 7 years. So basically, relationships, sex, and money are going to be pretty crazy until my 40s. I thought I was really going through it now, but it looks like there's a lot more in store. I'm glad I looked ahead, it really gave me some perspective. Let's look at what some other sites have to say regarding Uranus 7th house/conjunct Moon transits:

From The Astrology Place:
"Uranus transits in the 7th house don‘t always mean that a relationship is divorce prone or uncooperative at this time
Often the people we attract are different and we learn how to relate differently.
The ability to cope with constant flux in the relationship during this seven-year stretch of Uranus is often needed. Whatever the scenario a certain amount of detachment and objectivity is helpful, and this doesn’t mean cold detachment, but a free-spirited attitude to social interactions."

From The DK Foundation:
"When Uranus transits the 7th House a person is freed from tendencies and habits in his relationships, which threaten his future development, both as an individual and as a partner. Yet, as this is H7 and the polar opposite of H1, the situations that give him his freedom at this time, are frequently the reverse of what he wills. When Uranus transits the cusp of H7 (the Descendant), a relationship frequently ends at the request of the partner or its boundaries have to be redefined in order to give the partner more room for maneuver. It is notable, however, that whenever this is the case, a person rapidly comes to realize that although this was not the outcome which he sought, it is nonetheless for the best and the experience usually makes him more aware of his own negative tendencies in relationships.

By the time Uranus leaves the 7th House a person usually has a much clearer idea of what, for him, represents healthy relating. In consequence, relationships based on the old patterns may be discarded on his own initiative, if they cannot be redefined."

From Astrology Library:
"Perhaps one person is required to be away from the other for long periods of time. This position may give many long distance, "casual" types of relationships. 

For a successful partnership, you and your partner will need to develop the qualities of tolerance, cooperation, detachment and freedom."

From The Future Minders:
"Often we fear letting go of our accustomed ways even when they may prevent us from achieving greater happiness. You tend to step out of character for awhile, which can mean a temporary break from the same old routine. Satisfying your usual interests is likely more difficult now as they may no longer have the same appeal, and you usually have a taste for something different. If you really desire to break free from old patterns that seem to restrain you, this is an excellent time to initiate steps to make your personal life more in synch with what you really want.
Often this cycle affects your feelings, where you react more directly, especially if you usually avoid expressing your emotions. You generally are less predictable in how you respond, which can cause problems for those close to you. Understanding friends and partners should appreciate different sides that you may reveal suddenly for the first time.
Regardless of how it manifests, this is a time that periodically upsets your routines. Success depends on how much you want to change particular patterns and how attached you are to whomever or whatever represents security."

From The Dark Pixie Astrology:
"Wanting to break free and be different, you could do things that don’t quite seem like you. It probably is you, just a you that hasn’t been accessed in a long time (or ever)."

From The Astrology X-Files:
"Because Uranus represents freedom and sudden surprises, you can expect any number of the following situations: loss of home or household or inability to depend upon your mother or female relatives, reactions from women that cause you to feel upset, a feeling of estrangement from your environment (that you don't belong) and an inability to depend on or take for granted the usual comforts of your life (like household applicances that spark with electrical fires or just stop working). Your domestic situation is bound to be in a state of turmoil and unsettledness that will make it hard for you to maintain emotional equilibrium. As a result you may begin to detach from those things in your life that are currently upsetting. You are going through a period of emotional change that will ultimately make you more emotionally independent and self reliant. The saying, "You can't go home anymore." should ring true to you now. The positive side of this is that your freedom will be enhanced by the end of this period."

From Cafe Astrology:
"You're also apt to find yourself much more discontented and impatient than normal, without quite knowing what would feel better or what you really want instead. Women, family members, and your intimates may behave unreliably or in new ways that demand you change in some significant way. Since "no one likes change but a wet baby", this can be a very trying but ultimately freeing time period for you.

Positive Potentials:

A liberation of the "wild woman" or "wild man" within you - your own free, natural instincts and core energy. Letting go of limiting, depleting, suppressed emotions, attitude, and roles. Learning to trust and to let go.

Negative Potentials:

Increased physical and emotional distress or anxiety, as you try to adjust to the waves of inner and outer change in your life. Mood swings, erratic emotions, insecurity, disequilibrium."

From Astrology Bits:
"The keyword is emotional upheaval. The deeper meaning is a profound emotional cleanse that will take place, with or without our consent. The entire emotion apparatus will be changed from the roots, outdated structures will be updated and, in the process, some serious noise will be generated. That may include, but not be limited to:

  • sudden change of moods
  • separation issues
  • attachment issues
  • violent enthusiasm followed by deep depression
  • more visibility in the public eye
  • a sense of rush and impatience
If you’re a man, be very careful at women during this transit. You may attract unusual partners, females that seem so uncontrollably attractive, surrounded by an electric aura, yet somehow unavailable. If there is a relation, then it will be incredibly intense and… short. Some of the relationships born under these circumstances may last, but, most of the time, they don’t. They’re created as tools, as ways to modify some of the calcified emotional responses, which are not useful anymore in our lives."

I re-joined a dating site I've used a few days ago, and quit this morning. Last night, I joined FetLife, which seemed great, maybe more of what I was looking for. However, it was a bit of a Pandora's Box. First of all, I found my (ex? the girl I who I ended things with on the 8th) on the site. It was like I had seen a ghost, I felt hollow inside but this old feeling rose up. After I while, I realized that it was triggering something deeper than her and that was what really needed my attention. Issues regarding my sexual expression made it uncomfortable at times to navigate the site. I felt the clash of old attitudes/comforts with exploration and uncertainty. The question: Is this a path I really want to explore or does this discomfort mean it's just not for me?

Knowing I have Venus in Scorpio, I feel like I'm never going to be able to have sexual relationships without emotional attachments, which complicates a lifestyle in which sharing partners is a very real possibility. To further complicate things, I think I have a good deal of jealousy for people who can live that lifestyle, as it seems so exciting, free, and interesting. Looking ahead, it will serve me better to head into the storm than avoid it. I had this idea of finding a soulmate, getting married, and having children sooner rather than later. The woman envisioned in this scenario is 'Eve', who is submissive yet never truly satisfies me (sexually). We may not have a super exciting life, but it is stable and wholesome. In the other reality, I'm a bad boy, party animal, starkly different than the person people have gotten to know me as. I've always liked to party but this guy is ALL about it. The women envisioned in this scenario are 'Lilith', they are wild and more dominant, embodying my (sexual) fantasies. Nothing is stable in that scenario and there is a lot of risk involved.

Going forward, I'm going to be vigilant towards limiting attitudes. A new phase is being ushered in. I bet a lot about me will remain the same, or even become more pronounced. But some parts of me are going to have to die, because they are no longer serving me in the new phase. Neverland is fun but the real world is here. This is a time to be all in. What an odd feeling of being between worlds. The next 15 years are going to be quite the ride and this is only the beginning...

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