This is a critical month! Unemployment has run out and I need to get working ASAP. Venus energy is running high. Uranus energy is running high. 1 months are all about independence, assertiveness, and new beginnings AKA everything Aries. Mars finally goes direct in the latter part of the month. The weather is warmer. Love is in the air and the students are leaving town. Things get intense from the middle to latter part of the month.
If I were to translate this month to a phrase: Lots of unexpected opportunities and conflicts with women, which results in a new structure. I want to begin a new career and relationship. I'm ready!
Jupiter Trine Venus
Been eating and drinking a lot more lately. Have been more creative and extravagant with spending. "I just wanna party." I want this to translate positive monetarily/career wise!
Uranus Trine Mercury (separating)
May travel more than usual. My love for "rare" words/vocabulary has been sparked. Been playing with language a lot more lately.
Uranus Conjunct Moon
This influence is getting tiring. I better get used to it though, this is just the first pass! It is feast or famine. Sometimes, I get an avalanche of female attention, others, nothing. It can all dissipate in the course of a day. Lots of flings and things that seem promising but go nowhere or abruptly end. Becoming a little annoyed with one roommate and living with roommates in general. Really tough to establish a routine for anything.
Saturn Conjunct Venus (applying)
I have been having thoughts around what works and what doesn't, as far as relationships. Have been getting practical, tangible advice on artistic creation. Everything Venus is getting much "realer," not so daydreamy. Commitment is sexier than usual. Want to see my artistic endeavors pay off, which I know requires dedication.
5/3 Venus Trine Sun, Saturn (4)
I ended up having a crazy day! Met with an older woman (45) and we hung out for most of the day. We definitely got intimate. Then, I met up with another girl that night and went dancing (which I never do)! We ended up making out and stuff.
5/8 Sun Opposition Venus (9)
This is an opportunity to learn more about myself through my relationships with others. Hidden tensions may also come to the surface, especially with Uranus Conjunct Moon in the background. Good day for company and socializing, with Mercury entering Gemini. May bring out more of a philosophical and existential approach to relationships, a day of understanding rather than "action."
5/8 Mercury Opposition Sun, Saturn (9)
Entering 8th house, this is a day of raising lingering issues and engaging in necessary conflict productively. The key will be to not become discouraged with whatever realizations or feelings come as a result of my interactions and conversations with others. With 2 oppositions occurring and Saturn weighing heavier, this may not be a very "pleasant" day.
5/15 Mercury Opposition Mercury (7)
High-strung mental activity! A clash of the minds perhaps? Like the previous Mercury transit, necessary conversations need to take place. Plans may not work out as intended due to scheduling conflicts.
5/15 Venus Trine Mercury (7)
Great day for socializing and communicating feelings. Traditionally, this is seen as a pleasant influence but in light of the concurrent Mercury transit, it may be a mollifier for a not-so-pleasant exchange.
5/16 Venus Conjunct Moon (8)
Uranus and Venus both conjunct Moon in Aries on an 8 day...sounds explosive! It will be the beginning of the weekend, and spring is in full swing. I am going to a Buddhist meeting in the evening with other young folks. There is no way something WON'T happen, with all this Aries energy converging. I doubt something will happen at that meeting, because I won't really want it to. I will only expect the unexpected...Moon will be in Sagittarius from 15th to 17th, so feelings are expanded and opportunities are plenty.
5/17 Mercury Opposition Uranus (9)
Heavy mental stimulation; excitement seeking. More openness to something unexpected. Things may escalate quickly.
5/17 Venus Opposition Mars (9)
Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. This is sexual tension at its finest! Due to the cluster of transits occurring in such a close span, I am confident something significant will transpire romantically. As of now, I have no clear-cut romantic interest, although I have been seeking more seriously lately. On 2nd thought, there is a situation with mutual interest that hasn't seem to go anywhere due to scheduling difficulties. In light of the grand scheme of things, this may be a purely physical/temporary arrangement (as everything has been in the last year or so!). Since 9 completes a cycle, this may be the result of something on the 8th.
5/18 Venus Trine Uranus (1)
More excitement on the social/romantic front. Something happens and all signs are pointing to something unexpected and ephemeral. I'm just gonna make things easy for myself and simply remember to enjoy the ride!
5/20 Mars goes direct (3)
Mars won't resume normal pace until early June. May be a time when a period of low-energy and introspection finally begins to yield more in the way of action. Time to move forward. Since my Mars is in Libra, and this is a 3 day, I think there is a significance for me, creatively. A time of clarity, at least until Mercury goes retrograde in June.
5/21 Sun Opposition Sun, Saturn (4)
Dovetailing Mars going direct, I see a creative climax. A crucial moment, in which I am aware of the structures and limitations that inhibit my progress. I see a breakthrough, perhaps a clash with authority or other males.
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