I've probably said it before but I think synastry is one of the most fascinating aspects of astrology. There are many questions we want the stars to assist us with but I would bet love tops the list. I have been interested in this from the beginning pretty much. There is a lot to say about synastry but I want to start with this: I truly believe you need some experience with the person you're involved with to really benefit from a comparison. Sun signs can be a great initial indicator but there are a lot of other factors that need to play out. For example, if I do an early comparison and see Mars Conjunct Venus, that supports a great relationship but how it plays out depends upon each person.
I have been dating this beautiful woman for almost 3 months now, and after comparing our charts today, I could see some things clearly and others I may have more questions about. I had initially done a rough comparison around our first date. Too early, and I was wise to not really go into detail. I just knew she was Gemini and that usually resulted in an intensely physical, unstable/sporadic/short-lived union for me (Sagittarius) in the past.
Before I start, it occurred to me how important it is to recognize what we ask from synastry. At first, my question was: are we a good match? But really, I wanted to know: is she the one? Which translates to: I want to know the future. The truth is, no matter how good (or bad) a comparison looks, it doesn't spare you the pain of breaking up, should that happen. If you're a bad/challenging match with someone and are together for a year and you break up, are you gonna say "well, we weren't that good of a match anyway, so whatever."? I doubt it. The closest I get to divination is transits and likelihood, so all I can realistically hope for is some reassurance/support, possible actions to take or things to discuss, and to learn more about astrology.
And on the subject of realistic expectations, let's start with Saturn. My Venus conjuncts her Saturn within 5 degrees, which means, she is likely to be the sobering one. This can be interpreted as an indicator of long-term commitment/relationship, which makes sense. At the moment, we are not exclusive and are both still dating other people. We had a "talk" about a month ago, because she wanted clarity (so did I) around what I was looking for, feeling I was working towards boyfriend/girlfriend. I was flexible and we ended with a more casual/friends-with-benefits scenario.
As a result, I've had this relationship with her where I'm out of my comfort zone, which is supported by a wide (5 degrees) North Node conjunct Venus. I deal with feelings of jealousy and inadequacy, and see her as secretive--my fear being there's some other guy or guys she likes more than me. I am painfully aware that its my ego, yet there is an air of mistrust (Neptune Conjunct Sun, within 3 degrees). That can also be a sign of unrealistic expectations.
North Node/South Node axis is seen as karmic, with NN being our lesson to learn and SN being what we need to let go of. My North Node conjuncting her Venus, in light of my Venus conjuncting her Saturn, can be interpreted as me learning from her/our relationship. This is definitely true, especially regarding sex...I got back into Tantric sexual practice and am deepening my sensuality. But my Venus is conjuncting her SN (opposing NN), which would mean she is more likely to "outgrow" our relationship, feeling like there is nothing left to learn. I've read this can be an indication of star-crossed lovers who aren't meant to be together this lifetime but in the future. I do believe in reincarnation but that has a ring of fatalism to it.
What is clear is that we have undeniable, explosive sexual chemistry and physical attraction (at least on my end!). My Mars trines her Jupiter within 0 degrees...I can't get enough of her and she responds well to my passion. I would say its the most passionate relationship I've ever been involved in. Venus opposition Venus is also very physically stimulating, although we approach relationships differently and may have very different social lives. I'm a believer in the physicality of oppositions, as Gemini's have been the sign I've hooked up with most. But this is the longest I've ever been physical with one. All the others were always random occasions but usually more than once.
My Vertex is conjunct her Venus by less than a degree, which suggests a powerful connection where I see her as my ideal woman and that separating will be difficult. Just to reinforce that physical attraction is my Sun conjuncting her Ascendant by less than a degree as well. Sun trining her Moon, by less than degree, is a major compatibility factor as well.
There are a few other aspects but I see a theme already: magnetic physical attraction. This is no ordinary encounter. As far as timing, Saturn is just separating (conjunct) my Venus and her Saturn is returning. I believe things will become clearer to the both of us over the next few months. I have a feeling the solar and lunar eclipse in October, with all the Scorpio energy, will be decisive if we make it that far. Mars makes some significant transits to her chart in October as well, which could represent another man. This weekend is the last hard outer planet aspect to my sun/moon midpoint and I'm glad it's Jupiter. Beyond the physical attraction and affection, it's a wild card.
Where to go from here? Well, I just started dating another woman earlier this month. We are actually extremely astrologically compatible for a lasting union but only time will tell if she becomes a 'case study'. I seemed to have a lot of women interests earlier this month but it has calmed down considerably, basically to these two. I will try to communicate with her more, (we have a date this weekend) but I'm afraid to know what she's thinking. I have these feelings actually beginning to develop for her that make me want to bond deeper but I don't know how she feels about that level of emotional intimacy with someone she "doesn't see a long-term future with." Stay tuned...
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Monday, August 11, 2014
When Jupiter Gets Greedy...
I love being a Sage. There is no other sign I would rather be. I have always been enamored with the description, even the "bad" or negative traits. Too much alcohol? That's not the worst thing in the world! Too many women? That's great! Too much food? Food is delicious! This has typically been my attitude. Ruled by Jupiter, the main function is expansion, which can be great, until its too much. At some point, discipline is needed. And I now see how my greatest strength can also be my greatest weakness.
Lately, I've been dating a good number of women. One, I've been seeing steadily, but its more of a friends with benefits. Actually, its better than that because the benefits are really good. Another, I just met Friday, which was a day I saw transits converging to signal a hook up. What's freaky is that our chart is filled with conjunctions and trines with planets that signal marriage/fated union/long-term relationship. I don't know what's going to happen with her, but it looks promising.
Now that would've been plenty but I'm meeting with a girl tomorrow who has been pretty upfront and seems very interested. She seems great too...ok, now its kinda weird. I thought this is what I wanted but I know or don't want to possibly have 3 women I'm involved with. Oh yeah? Let's add I have a date on Friday with a girl that seems promising as well. And she's gorgeous. Model gorgeous. She used to be a model. I feel like I'm running out of space emotionally/physically/spiritually/mentally. Wait, there's a woman planning to come meet me later this month I hooked up with months ago.
Be careful what you wish for, right? Now I'm wondering what's gonna happen later this month, when Jupiter conjuncts my midpoint. I don't really know what I want. I want a relationship but now, more than ever, I feel like I would be "giving up" a lot to be in one (a monogamous, committed relationship). I'm learning so much...maybe I should stay single. I just doubt that I could date 4 women at once.
Where to go from here? I feel like I have nothing to lose. If it all was gone tomorrow, the crash would suck, but I'm sure that space would be valuable and a lesson would've been learned. The next 2 months hold even more Jupiter transits. At this point, I'm just gonna roll with it. Things will sort themselves out, I believe.
I definitely make the connection with how being too greedy can backfire. A little patience and discipline goes a long way. My new mantra should be: just because it's good doesn't mean I need it all. The dark side of this can be a scarcity mentality, like I need it all because I'm afraid of running out. Instead, I will focus on life's abundance. Can't forget to till the earth though...seeds still need to be planted and tended to bear fruit.
Friday, August 1, 2014
August Predictions
And I thought last month was all about romance! This month has 2 Jupiter transits, each with a bundle of yin-yang harmony. The king of the gods comes bearing gifts during a 4 month (which is ironic, as the number 4 is similar to the glyph for Jupiter), and typically I associate structure and practicality with that number but my book mentions opportunistic as well. There's a lot more activity transit-wise, with several planets in Leo. Leo rules romance, by the way.
I'm really looking for work and steady income. Romance is great but what I've realized my need to focus on advancing in my life. Learning to value myself more, whether someone corroborates my worth or not. I feel I've used women/relationships to validate my direction in life. Time to take back my compass. It's really the perfect time, since harmony is rampant this month.
Looking toward the future, Jupiter is really active for me in September and October as well. December it goes retrograde, and I get another run from February to June 2015 (ends in August). This is a time that comes around about every 12 years. Last time, I was 16 and it was August-November 2002. I moved from Michigan back to Massachusetts, back to my former high school. Nothing particularly stands out during that time. Next time Jupiter is in Leo, I'll be 40.
Saturn Conjunct Venus
I've been learning a lot regarding art and relationships, really trying to make something tangible of it. With Jupiter in Leo now, there's bound to be opportunities for both. Although, as far as relationships, it is probably best not to seek something long-term at this time. There is so much learning being done, I'm going to try and be patient.
Uranus Conjunct Moon, Opposite ASC
Last month, I was experiencing everything mainly through one girl, romantically. I also had an issue with a roommate, who has since moved out. I feel this month will involve more women and be less frustrating, since I don't feel as focused on trying to build a long-term relationship. I have been thinking about moving, and what's interesting is that last time Jupiter was Leo, I did move.
8/1 Mercury Trine Sun, Saturn (5)
Clear headed, excellent time to communicate and organize. Good for studying/learning as well.
8/2 Venus Trine Venus (6)
Smooth sailing. Relaxed. Attracting favorable circumstances, money even. Lucky. Strong desire to surround myself with beauty and participate in creative activity.
8/4 Sun Opposition Jupiter (8)
Feeling good, feeling great, how are you? High optimism and confidence, careful not to overextend or overindulge. What is coming to a head? I don't know but its a Monday and I need a job!
8/5 Mars Conjunct Pluto (9)
Strong ambition and ego drive, today is all about power. Be careful, this energy can be explosive and violent. If any day is conducive to conflict, it is this one. However, this energy can also be very productive for doing heavy work or making changes.
8/6 Sun Trine Mercury (1)
Excellent communication and understanding. Great day to learn/study and travel. Clarity of thought
8/6 Mercury Opposite Jupiter (1)
Grand schemes, careful not to overlook the details.
8/7 Mercury Trine Mercury (2)
Make plans, communicate, travel.
8/8-12 Jupiter Square Pluto (3-7)
Jupiter really wants to party this month! This transit is all about power, and can be a great opportunity to make a leap forward, as long as I don't overextend myself or become too fanatical/obsessive about whatever I'm trying to achieve. I'll try to remember: don't push it, don't overdo it. This is actually one of my natal aspects. I have some harmonious influences on the 8th, which should temper this energy nicely. Also, my friends are playing a show this day and I am highly likely to perform with them on stage.
8/8 Sun Trine Moon (3)
Peace, harmony, balance. Great time for relating to opposite sex and making any changes or important decisions.
8/8 Mercury Trine Moon, Sextile Mars (3)
Harmony of mind and emotion. Opportune day for communication with women. May be a very busy day. Willing to defend my ideas
8/9 Sun Sextile Mars, Sextile ASC (4)
High-energy, assertive, good day to be physically active. Great for being social and working with others.
8/9 Mercury Square Venus, Trine Uranus (4)
Not the best for communications with women. Poor mental discipline. Quick mind, wanting something new, unconventional and exciting.
8/10 Sun Square Venus, Trine Uranus (5)
Time for something new! Seeking pleasure and beauty, feeling affectionate.
8/12-13 Venus Trine Sun, Saturn (7-8)
Pleasant. Great day to enjoy myself and relax. Creativity runs high. Practical, tangible, or material expression of Venus.
8/16 Mercury Square Sun, Saturn (2)
Busy day, may have disagreements with authority figures. Way of thinking may be tested. Critical mindset but very practical.
8/17 Mercury Trine Neptune (3)
Imagination is stimulated. Careful not to daydream or fantasize too much. Great for discussing creative or spiritual matters.
8/18 Mercury Sextile Pluto (4)
Curious, investigative mind. Searching motives of everyone.
8/21 Venus Opposition Jupiter (7)
Careful not to overdo it. Strong desire to indulge. Discipline would be wise.
8/22-27 Jupiter Conjunct Sun/Moon midpoint (8-4)
The "lucky" planet comes to visit, bringing a bunch of transits to the party. Sun/Moon midpoint represents harmony, the integration of yin and yang, male and female. It is said that when an outer planet makes a hard aspect to this point, it signifies the beginning or development of a new relationship. The 25th and 26th see Mars Conjunct Venus and Venus Sextile Mars, which both mirror harmony. With 5 transits involving Venus in 2 days, something is bound to manifest. Monday and Tuesday don't scream sexy like a Friday or Saturday and I have no plans but who knows?
8/23 Venus Trine Mercury (9)
Pleasant thoughts and communication. Great day to profess my love/feelings/affection for someone or take a trip.
8/24 Sun Square Sun, Saturn (1)
Crisis! Challenge to complete whatever I've been working on. May clash with others, especially authority/figures. Responsibility weighs heavy...duty vs. self-gratification. Discipline is crucial.
8/25 Mercury Sextile Venus, Square Uranus (2)
Mind may be moving too fast to really keep up with. Leisurely conversation, concerned with beauty, relationships, women. Likely to help incite/facilitate the other concurrent transits
8/25-26 Mars Conjunct Venus (2-3)
Sexually energized. Mars is all about action and expression, so it wants to express Venus. Great day for active expressions of Venus...especially relationships with the opposite sex and performing arts. Traditionally signifies the beginning of a new relationship.
8/25 Venus Trine Moon (2)
Relationships with women are favored, especially sexual ones. Pleasant emotions, desire for beautiful surroundings.
8/25-26 Venus Sextile Mars, ASC (2-3)
Great for attracting the opposite sex. Opportunities creatively and financially. Lighthearted, great for socializing. Signals beginning of a new relationship, especially in conjunction with supportive transits.
8/26 Venus Trine Uranus (3)
Something different and unexpected is desired. Sudden or exciting love affair.
8/26 Sun Trine Neptune (3)
High idealism, spirituality, intuition and romanticism. Careful not to get too carried away or swept up by your fantasies and daydreams.
8/29 Sun Sextile Pluto (6)
Excellent opportunity to confront any issues I'm unhappy with and make changes.
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