Ahhh what a difference a few months makes! There is a deep transformation taking place but it isn't as frustrating now as it was a few months...even a few weeks back. I haven't been as focused on astrology lately but I'm a little more open now. I have my own laptop, which has sucked my soul away since I haven't had one in 6 or 7 years. I just want to catch up with you a bit and look ahead to the next couple of months.
So, with Uranus conjuncting Moon, my relations with women have become more unstable. Nothing crazy, because I don't really produce those kinds of reactions form people nor do I get too crazy. I hit on ALL the girls at a local Dunkin Donuts pretty much. In retrospect, those were more acts of desperation than calculated attempts to court, if there is such a thing. There was another girl who I was pursuing but that ran flat, as I withdrew due to age difference and framing myself as a sucker (i.e. paying for stuff I don't have to pay for). I hooked up with an ex and may hook up with another ex in the coming week. I really don't care...
My focus has been shifting more and more to myself. I got this book called "The Erotic Mind," which is helping me get more in touch with that part of myself. What are my turn-ons? Fantasies? One major revelation is that some fantasies are just that..fantasies. They don't need to be fulfilled and would cease to exist if they were. Erotic fantasies are not so much "teases" and more of a healthy expression of sexuality and imagination now. This is translating to my relationship with women, as I become more comfortable allowing myself to be attracted without trying to bed them all! Venus enters Pisces next month, which will trine my natal Venus and and Pluto. With the Sun in Aries and spring around the corner, new love is almost inevitable. However, May will be a 1 month (new beginnings) and Venus will join my Moon and Uranus in Aries, so it is more likely to materialize then. Jupiter will also be separating from a square to my Moon mid-May.
Professionally, I've embraced my artist side. This is what I'm here to do. It is scary, exhilarating, healing, fulfilling, everything! I actually had my first acting audition today and didn't do too bad! I got a rush! Been getting into music more. Definitely writing but easing back into producing. Screenwriting is something I've definitely taken on. The feeling I get just typing this is undeniable. This is my life path. I've tried the safe one, it didn't work. Remember? Jupiter has gone direct in my 10th house and is due to cross my MC in May/June (going by whole sign houses).
Health wise, I've been good and bad. Had jock itch for the first time a few weeks ago and it was so gross!!!! I'm battling a sinus infection/cold now. On the other hand, I've taken on the challenge of living a healthier lifestyle. Drinking a lot less and not really eating meat. Lately I've been thinking about doing rec drugs again (ecstasy, shrooms) but they're just thoughts. Neptune is in my 6th house and I'd rather have it in my 5th but happy it isn't in my 7th! I'm thinking of Neptune in its creative sense and considering the 6th is a house of duty/routine/work, makes sense I'm pursuing a career in the arts. Art is one of the few things really motivating these days.
Was that too many details? I definitely left a few out! I'm just glad to be back. Tomorrow I'll take a look at April and make some predictions.